Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How far would you go for love

Love addiction can manifest itself in three ways: sexual, romance, and relationship. Despite the fact that this condition does not sound serious, it can be very painful and destructive to both the sufferer and to that person’s loved ones.Many cases of suicide are the result of this condition. Sufferers often commit rape, stalking, and other crimes of passion, as well.The occurrence of this condition is further fueled by societal beliefs that falling in love will result in happiness. This is further reinforced by images on the media, which fail to depict the work necessary to have a happy, loving relationship.
People who did not receive enough attention and nurturing when they were young are more likely to suffer. Those suffering often felt isolated and detached from their family.As a result of these feelings, a sufferer will try to avoid being abandoned and rejected – no matter the cost. They might also have difficulty trusting others and may be manipulative of others.A sufferer often feels the need to control those around him. They might appear to successful, but are hiding pain, rage and depression. On the other hand, they might also have a frantic personality.

No matter the outside appearance of the sufferer, they usually feels that being in a relationship makes them whole. This causes the them develop a sense of worthlessness if they are not in a relationship. For this reason, a sufferer will not go long without being in a relationship.They will often place extraordinary emphasis on sex. Therefore, they will often have a desire for sex that appears unable to be satisfied. In fact, they will use sex to alleviate emotional distress. Or, they will have sex with a new partner quickly because they equate sex with the love they desire.While love is a positive emotion, sufferers can develop a destructive lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to seek help for love addiction right away.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How far would you go for love

Love addiction can manifest itself in three ways: sexual, romance, and relationship. Despite the fact that this condition does not sound serious, it can be very painful and destructive to both the sufferer and to that person’s loved ones.Many cases of suicide are the result of this condition. Sufferers often commit rape, stalking, and other crimes of passion, as well.The occurrence of this condition is further fueled by societal beliefs that falling in love will result in happiness. This is further reinforced by images on the media, which fail to depict the work necessary to have a happy, loving relationship.
People who did not receive enough attention and nurturing when they were young are more likely to suffer. Those suffering often felt isolated and detached from their family.As a result of these feelings, a sufferer will try to avoid being abandoned and rejected – no matter the cost. They might also have difficulty trusting others and may be manipulative of others.A sufferer often feels the need to control those around him. They might appear to successful, but are hiding pain, rage and depression. On the other hand, they might also have a frantic personality.

No matter the outside appearance of the sufferer, they usually feels that being in a relationship makes them whole. This causes the them develop a sense of worthlessness if they are not in a relationship. For this reason, a sufferer will not go long without being in a relationship.They will often place extraordinary emphasis on sex. Therefore, they will often have a desire for sex that appears unable to be satisfied. In fact, they will use sex to alleviate emotional distress. Or, they will have sex with a new partner quickly because they equate sex with the love they desire.While love is a positive emotion, sufferers can develop a destructive lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to seek help for love addiction right away.